What is HR Full Form in Hindi

You will find Post answers to all the questions that HR Full Form in Hindi, HR Ka Full Form Kya Hai, what is the Full Form of HR, what is HR Ka Poora Naam Kya Hai, what is HR, the full name of HR, and what is meant in Hindi.
What is HR Full Form in Hindi HR
The full form of HR is Human Resources. The human Resources word was first brought into use in the 1960s. HR in an Organization or Institute, the main function of a person concerned with human resources is to provide the employees, laborers required by the institution. the job of HR is to take care of the interests and entitlements of every employee working in an Institute or Organization. A Company is more likely to succeed only if it Manages all its Employees well. In this way, the role of HR is very important for an Institute or Organization.
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HR known as the manpower of a company plays an important role in the development of any organization with its specific skills and creativity. For the betterment of the professionals of the company known as HR managers, there is a need to open a lot of organizations in the globalization of the economy and especially in countries like India where there is a lot of raw talent available at affordable prices.
HRM is first known as Personnel Management. In today’s time, this sector is a highly competitive and demanding profession.
Today requires well trained, skilled and highly motivated employees for the development of an organization or company. These HRM have done an important administrative job in both ads as well as non-profit establishments. It is the duty of hr or personal manager to recruit skilled employees to improve the productivity of the company.
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functions of HR
HR has many important functions such as –
- appointment of Job Ads
- Managing interview times
- Arranging deposited resumes
- Motivating employees to work
- Managing employee benefits and compensation
- Ensuring equal opportunities for employees
- Behave without discrimination for all employees
Qualification sussion for HR
The candidate must have a Masters degree in Human Resource Management to become a HR. The courses specifically for HR are as follows:
- Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Development (PGDHRD)
- Master of Human Resource and Organizational Development (MHROD)
The candidate should have the eligibility criteria to apply in these courses to graduate in any subject. The Masters degree will be of 2 years and pg diploma degree will be of 1 year period.
Basically, admission to these programs will be based on the qualification examination Group Discussion and Interview.
The selection process may vary depending on the institutions. Most institutes accept students based on the marks obtained in the examination by IIM in CAT, All India Management Association by MAT, Xavier Institute by XAT etc.
Some institutes conduct their exams for these courses.
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Skills required for HR
- HR candidate should be collaborative like the ability to work well with people both within and outside the organization.
- For HR, the candidate should be a decisive thinker such as quick analysis of information and using it to make strong decisions.
- The candidate for HR should be personally reliable such as takes an expert and a professional approach in both human resources and commercial issues
- For HR, the candidate must have the challenge of facing courage and nature, such as speaking and challenging others even when confronted with resistance or unfamiliar circumstances.
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salary of HR
The salary of HR varies depending on the type of organization, economic activity, geographical location and profitability. Experienced HR, especially in private organizations, are given 20,000 to 30,000 per month.
However, candidates from top business schools like IIMs can earn around 3,00,000 to 5,00,000 per annum, such as XLRI, etc. In this, the candidate will be prepared on the basis of his managerial skills, qualifications and experience etc. For a senior level post, mba graduates are paid 50,000 to 60,000 salaries per month and even more to eligible candidates.