3D photos on Facebook: Boring photos? Facebook turns its captures into 3D

When talking about photos in three dimensions within Facebook, it is not a novelty. However, the social network implemented an improvement in the tool allowing images of this type can now be created from any mobile device.
This change is due to the use of ‘Artificial Intelligence‘. Since with this technology the depth of the photograph is calculated, allowing the user to create photos with movement.
In order to bring this new visual format to more persons we have used the latest group machine learning techniques to produce 3D photos from virtually any standard 2D image, and this system infers the 3D structure of any image to be it a new photo just taken on an Android or iOS device with a single normal camera or an image of periods recently uploaded to a phone either laptop added Facebook as given.
How to give life to your photographs?
It is essential that the Facebook application that the user has on their cell phone is updated and is the official one. Once you enter the app, click on ‘What are you thinking? A menu will automatically be displayed, in which you will see options such as: photo / video, tag friends, feeling / activity and others; there choose ‘ 3D ‘.
The user’s gallery will open where you can choose the photo you want to publish. Wait a few minutes, while the system processes the composition of the photo and finally select publish.